Project 2021-1-RO01-KA220-VET-000032924    DIGIT+Digitalization for in groups integrative training – international network for support, connection ,innovation and know-how share in digital vocational education

Second project international meeting Piatra Neamt 15-18 January 2023

Meeting Minutes

Monday 16 January

All partners meet in the meeting room of Colegiul Tehnic Ghoerghe Cartianu Piatra Neamț.


Welcome introduction was made by Mrs Livia Marinela Nicolae all partners introduced themselves and meeting objectives been presented by Mrs Eleonora Dragomir ASCETIS president and project coordinator at European level.  From Colegiul Tehnic Gheorghe Cartianu been present to the meeting 7 teachers that been tested project platform and used in their lessons digital learning instruments for integrative groups of students.


The meeting was continued with a debate on  multiuser virtual worlds.A practical example of a Canva lesson type CLIL for English and Geography created as a multiuser virtual world with theory, exercises, images ,MP3 and MP4 files included.The possibilities of integration and development of the disadvantaged students skills trough this instrument been analyzed. The participants proposed to be created other lesson examples of MULTIUSER VIRTUAL WORLDS  in HTML, Microsoft office 365 –Powerpoint and in social platforms like Facebook , Google blogs and to be offered as ready made examples in the project IO2 the guide for teachers .


For the section dedicated to students with 7 technical modules from different technical domains SABA Macedonia presented the module AUTOCAD for furniture design and the way this module was learned by am integrative group of students in their school.

M&M Profuture Training presented the module Customer Relations Management , ASCETIS presented the module for WEB illustration with Adobe Flash +I-frame , CT Gh.Cartianu presented the robotics module and a robotics demonstration was made by the students engaged to this course, from ATATURK MTAL the course of 3D printing was also presented with the virtual laboratory and students projects, KOGED presented The Module for digital initiation of disadvantaged students IO3, Hello PC presented the networking platform and from EPRALIMA a set of ready made digital instruments for distance learning was also presented .

M&M Profuture Training presented also the Module for Advanced digital training of students IO4 .

How to create specialized discussion groups to engage students in collaborative learning and enhance their motivation the case study of the integrative group for robotics created by Mrs Gabriela Horlescu was debated in the Robotics Workshop of Colegiul Tehnic ”Gheorghe Cartianu”.

In the end of the day been presented the articles for the Didactic part in IO2 , the guide discussions on articles about digital didactics  been made and was  established  the final form of the guide to be in HTML in order to be possible automatic translation.

Eesti People to People presented the Guide for Burnout Management, IO6  .

15 The next project events schedule was established : Barcelona TPM 5, 6 June 2023 , Izmir TPM 30 Seotember 1 October 2023. Establishing the to do list for next 3 monts of the project we decided to create more local and international dissemination events for the 7 intellectual outputs of the project and to evaluate by the indicators the project results. 

Tuesday 17 January

We meet with all partners in the conference room of the associated partner Liceul Economic Tehnologic Administrativ Piatra Neamt , the associated partners Liceul Tehnologic Dimitrie Leonida , Colegiul Forestier , School Daniela Cuciuc , General School no 4 , Colegiul Tehnic de Transporturi Auto , Colegiul National de Informatica Scoala Profesionala Speciala Stefan cel Mare participated with students and or teachers . In total our conference reunited 250 participants .

Reporters from Apostolul Magazine Ziar Piatra Neamt and Anotimpuri Magazine together with local stakeholders from enterprises with the digitalization work domain  been also invited .The  multi-stakeholder dialogue workshop was conducted by the coordinators from each partner organization .Conclusions were that the project Intellectual outputs are very necessary and should be facilitated access to project platform in each school .

We left the conference with promotion materials and we conducted a  project caravan to rural schools from Neamt county and we managed to reach many other teachers interested to enter project platform and benefit of digital means for inclusive  education.

In the afternoon we participated to a popular dances and winter rituals representation sustained by the Popular Dances Formation Toporasul  of Technical College Gheorghe Cartianu .

Exchange of experience was made also by analising the arts role in schools and the possibilities of burnout management and marginalization prevention trough practicing arts in extracurricular activities . Methods from project Arts Against Addictions code 2021-2-RO01-KA210-ADU-000051453 were presented by ASCETIS and methods from project MUSIC AND DRAMA ONLINE AND TOGETHER  project code 2020-1-DE02-KA227-ADU-008174 were presented by ”Ataturk” MTAL .

Participation certificates been awarded to all participants in Colegiul Cartianu conference room .

Meeting minutes from Piatra Neamt .

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