Project partners are all of them providing VET education.They are solving problems coming from the lack of digital skills of students/trainees and lack of digital solutions for teachers/trainers.
Digitization in order to increase school performance and the formation of professional skills
The impact on participants will be:
- improvement of the level of key competences and skills;
- more efficient use of modern methods, instruments and technical devices in the field of informatics;
- a better participation, in online activities and distance work and communication;
- increased ability to adaptation and answer to difficult situations;
- learning how to use innovative tools and technologies in inclusive distance teaching;
- understanding the role of internationalization of education in integrative schools;
- obtaining knowledge about personal data protection and communication in the online environment;
- understanding the importance of using the internet in teaching;
- understanding the importance of enhance skills and using knowledge in the field of informatics;
- increased adaptability to the imposed conditions and finding quick solutions;
- discovering new possibilities of access to education and to the work market for disadvantaged students;
- developing linguistic and communication skills;
- increasing self-esteem;
- understanding the importance of promoting social and cultural diversity in remote inclusive education;
- increased green skills.
The impact on the organizations will be:
- increased attractiveness of learning programs by introduction of digital education as a modern innovative tool, creation of their own learning and communicating platforms for the support of disadvantaged students;
- decreased dropout rates with 50%;
- developed teamwork in the conditions of limited physical interaction;
- a better image in community by creation and participate in local, national and international networks of organizations providing education for disadvantaged;
- innovative, brain new teaching techniques introduced in daily work thanks to international cooperation;
- better capacity of digital readiness;
- a better participation of learners disadvantaged, with gaps in education in classes/training due to digital increased capacity;
- better communication within the members of the institutions, better teamwork, less segregation inside of collectives, less conflicts in schools, number of students at risk of marginalization and school dump decreased with 50%;
- more efficient management of organizations by the use of distance communication;
- increased degree of digitization in the schools activity -better integration in the European Educational Space by active involvement in national and international networks of organizations and trough international teamwork;
- increased number of short-time digital learning modules offered by each VET school at local and international level -innovative, brain new teaching techniques introduced in daily work tasks as a result of international & cross-sectorial cooperation;
- rate of students” participation to digital learning modules/lessons increased with 50%.
The impacts on the target groups will be:
- Teachers :
- will have a better vision of their role in the on-line inclusive schools and will increase their positive impact on students especially on those with special educational needs, they will be more confident in their on-line teaching abilities and will work in a sense of daily by experience and collaboration improvement. They will be empowered with better pedagogical skills for on-line inclusive teaching and counselling.
- Learners:
- will integrate better in on-line classrooms, will develop a better interest for on-line learning, a better autonomy in their learning activity and the rate of school failure will substantially decrease because of the teachers improved on-line activity;
- acquiring knowledge and know-how will make them more able to get a job abroad or to work in international teams;
- will have improved level of key competences and skills;
- better learning results of the students with special educational needs;
- better digital and language&communication skills that will increase their chances to access the workforce market including for remote work.
"Informaţia nu este cunoaştere. Singura sursă a cunoaşterii este experienţa."
Albert Einstein
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